Late Night Internet Marketing and Online Business with Mark Mason
Late Night Internet Marketing and Online Business with Mark Mason
123 Profit CPA Marketing Opportunity (Time Sensitive) - LNIM241
Hey there, it's Mark Mason. I wanted to make a quick announcement about a product that I've been getting a lot of questions about. It's called "123 Profit" and it's something that I'll be using myself in 2023 as a new stream of revenue or side hustle. I thought it would be a good idea to let others in on it as well, but unfortunately, the cart for the product is closing on January 19th at midnight and it won't open again until next year at the earliest.
This product is based on cost per action affiliate marketing, where the goal is to spend a dollar on advertising and make at least a dollar in return. The "123 Profit" model also allows for capturing email addresses and marketing other offers to the email list, building it for free and scaling the business. I've been involved in CPA marketing since 2009, and I've used a precursor program called "Project Thunderbolt" in the past.
If you're interested in learning more, you can visit the website at get123profit.com. Keep in mind that this episode of the podcast may be deleted from the feed after January 19th, 2023, so make sure to check it out before then.