Late Night Internet Marketing and Online Business with Mark Mason

How To Set And Achieve Your Goals -- The 2024 Edition [LNIM250]

January 08, 2024 Mark Mason Episode 250

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Achieving your dreams and smashing your annual goals might appear daunting, but it's time to turn the tables on disappointment and step into a realm of success. As we hit a milestone with our 250th episode of the Late Night Internet Marketing Podcast, I'm thrilled to bring you a celebration of consistency and a taste of the electrifying announcement awaiting us in the next episode—where mindset maestro Cliff Ravenscraft will unveil the transformative power of one-on-one coaching. This episode isn't just a pat on the back for our journey; it's a treasure chest of insights and practical steps to ensure your 2024 is not another year of 'what ifs' but a year of 'I did it!'

Reflecting on goals is like peering into a mirror; sometimes what we see doesn't align with our desires, yet it's a crucial step in charting a path to success. In this episode, we traverse the terrain of unmet aspirations, understanding that life's curveballs aren't failures but fertile ground for growth. Drawing inspiration from the relentless perseverance of Thomas Edison and the trailblazing spirit of Elon Musk, we reimagine what it means to dream big. I open up about my drive to empower others, inviting you to explore what fuels your own fire for extraordinary success.

Finally, we tackle the nitty-gritty of setting visionary goals with the precision of a surgeon—using the SMART goal framework to carve out a clear path forward. By breaking down these objectives into bite-sized, 12-week chunks, we can keep the flames of motivation burning brightly, ensuring that with each passing year, your business is not just surviving, but thriving. So, prepare to jot down your vision, align your leading metrics, and join me next week for a session with Cliff Ravenscraft that promises to take your aspirations from the drawing board to reality. Let's make 2024 a landmark year together!

Speaker 1:

Episode 250.

Speaker 2:

Late night. Internet marketing.

Speaker 1:

This week, on the Late Night Internet Marketing Podcast, I'm going to share with you exactly how to finally achieve your goals for the year. All this and more, on the Late Night Internet Marketing Podcast.

Speaker 2:

The Late Night Internet Marketing Podcast. You've been working for somebody else, but you want a business to run yourself. You want to know how to start and where to begin. Can you get out your comfort zone, my friend? Yes, you can do it right. When it's late at night, at the end of the day, your dreams burn in your sights.

Speaker 1:

Keep it up and you will find that you're building your business one night at a time and now broadcasting late at night from a little studio in the big state of Texas, your host, mark Mason. Hey, how is everyone doing? I am Mark Mason and this is the 250th episode of the Late Night Internet Marketing Podcast. Quite remarkable. Started this podcast almost a decade and a half ago, in 2009, and this is the 250th episode. Ideally, after that many years, it would be a lot more episodes, but, as those of you know that have been following me since the very beginning and there are those of you that have followed this podcast since the very beginning, the podcast has been an on again, off again affair, and I'm excited that 2024 is the year of on again forever. We've committed to 52 episodes in 2024. This is the second of those 52 and we're really excited to be here today to help you achieve your 2024 goals.

Speaker 1:

It's really funny. It's two episodes in a row and you might, if your sarcastic, say, well, alert the media. You know, call somebody. Mark got two episodes in a row out. Well, I did exactly that. I alerted the media. I actually put out a press release regarding the 250th episode. I haven't done that in years. That used to be a big SEO thing that we used to do years ago. It doesn't have that kind of juice anymore, but I thought it would be fun to have a press release celebrating the 250th episode of the late night internet marketing podcast. Check for that in a media outlet near you. I don't know, maybe it'll be on CNN, we'll see.

Speaker 1:

And that's not the only huge announcement. I've been working with my longtime friend, cliff Ravenscraft, who you know as the mindset answer man, on some very exciting new things that are coming to late night internet marketing. One thing in particular that I will be announcing next week. So if you're not subscribed to this podcast, do so right now, because you're going to want to hear that announcement. Next week. I'm going to have something very special that I'm doing for me and for you. You guys are going to love it and I hope to see you on the show next week so you can hear that very special announcement of a new part of my business that's being announced next week. And, of course, if you want to hint on that, I talked about it a little bit in the newsletter on Friday. And if you aren't currently subscribed to the newsletter, head on over to latenightimcom forward slash news, because each week on Friday, I send out what I think is a super helpful newsletter. That's another thing. We're completely, 100% all in on in 2024. And I hope to be delivering to you fantastic, useful, actionable content in that newsletter each and every week in 2024. And that's at late night. I am dot com slash news and that's where you can find a little hint on what's coming in the next week, in the next episode.

Speaker 1:

One other thing I want to tell you about before we get into this week's content is that in the coming weeks, in the end of January, early February, my friend Aiden is releasing what I think is the best course there has ever been on selling products on Amazon Fulfillment by Amazon. I've talked about that a lot on the show. I'll be talking about it over the next couple of weeks, but be sure and subscribe if you want to start that kind of business. This is the soup to nuts instruction course that you're going to want to become an Amazon wholesaler. A lot of people don't realize that oftentimes when you buy something on Amazon, while it's shipped to you by Amazon, it's actually sold to you by a third party that's using Amazon as a fulfillment service, fulfilled by Amazon, or FBA as we say in the biz, amazon stores a product that you buy in their warehouse and when they sell it for you, they charge a marketing fee and pay you the profit. It's a great business for people who are interested in those kinds of online details, purchasing and behind the scenes stuff making deals with suppliers, finding the best products, doing research but don't want to do things like create content, create podcasts, be on YouTube. This is the kind of internet marketing business where you don't have to be out front, and I really like Aiden and his approach here, and so I will be telling you more about that course next week.

Speaker 1:

Now let's get on to what you all are here for, and that is the way to achieve your 2024 goals, and let's start with why is this so important? Why do I need to have an episode about how to achieve 2024 goals? And I think the truth of the matter is all of us or nearly all of you within the sound of my voice spend time setting goals each year, and most times, for most of you at least those of you that I talk with the feedback that I get when I'm researching these sort of things what I read online studies that are done at places like Harvard and Stanford, we find that people don't achieve their goals. They set goals, sometimes they don't do that very well, and that's part of the problem. And then they get to the end of the year and another year is gone by and they did not achieve their goals.

Speaker 1:

And that's what I want to fix for you, and I am uniquely qualified to help you with this, because I have failed at achieving my goals many, many times. But the difference between me and maybe some of you out there that are listening is I've done some work over the last 10 years, both on the corporate side and in my online business, to understand the newest and latest information about how to achieve goals, what the techniques and strategies are to get it done right, the mindsets and other tools that you need in order to achieve your goals, and I'm going to share all of that with you today so that you can have the kind of success that I've been able to enjoy over the last couple of years. So let's get into that right now. So the first thing I want to encourage you to do and this is something that I really first learned from Michael Hyatt is it's really important to look back and understand what really happened last year or over the last couple of years. If you had goals, did you achieve them or not? And if not, why not?

Speaker 1:

And this is a time not to be upset with yourself, which is a natural tendency that I think all of us fall into. It's a time to be honest with yourself, without judgment, and just try to unpack what happened. Did you get distracted? Did you lose interest? Did you have a bad goal to begin with? Did you set the goal incorrectly? What was it about your goal that was flawed in so far as it kept you from achieving it? What happened exactly? Did life happen to you? Did things that weren't as important as your goal actually end up getting priority? What was the deal, journal, about that? A little bit, write down some ideas and try to understand what caused you to not achieve your goals.

Speaker 1:

And many of you will be hesitant to do this because to you it will feel like failure. And look, I totally get that. That's totally natural. But it's not failure, silly, it's learning right. And I mean you've all heard this story about this guy who invented the light bulb, right? Thomas Edison, most of you know, invented the light bulb and before he found something that worked. He tried thousands of things that didn't work. He tried to make filaments for the light bulb out of things like horse hair and cotton and a bunch of other things that lit up briefly but didn't provide a sustainable light source. But eventually he stumbled onto things like tungsten that would heat up and fill the room with light. Now, where would we be if Thomas Edison had given up on the light bulb? We'd be in a bad place, right, and if he felt like he was failing, he wouldn't have gotten there, and neither would we. And you know who's doing this right now is Elon Musk. I've recently been reading the fantastic Walter Isaacson biography about Elon Musk, and this is what he does. He blows rockets up. Okay, he's failing on a grand scale, so he can accelerate the learning process. Literally, he will launch a rocket that is probably going to explode before it reaches orbit, so he can learn how it fails, what worked, what didn't, and quickly launch the next rocket. Look if Elon Musk can blow up rockets and learn from that.

Speaker 1:

Certainly you can spend a few minutes and look back at your 2023 performance and be honest with yourself about what you could have done better, what you learned from your success and failure in 2023. And once you've done that, I think the second thing you need to do is take a minute to dream big. If you're listening to a similar podcast like this in 2025 and I ask you to look back at 2024, but now we're in 2025, if you fast forward 12 months or maybe even three years or five years, and someone asks you how are things going, and you say, man, it's fantastic, it's better than I ever possibly could have imagined. I can't believe how much success I've had. What would that look like? What would that be? What would you have achieved? Does it mean that you would have no debt in your life and you'd have a certain income? Does it mean you'd have a certain lifestyle? Does it mean that you would have finally been able to help these people that you've been trying to help and reach them and help them get to the levels that they want to get to? And I'll give you a hint that's a big part of my goals is reaching people and helping them achieve their potential. Figure out what that means for you. It's not gonna be the same for everyone, and it's important that you understand exactly what that is, and by exactly, I don't really mean to the penny, but I mean exactly in big picture terms.

Speaker 1:

What does that snapshot of your life look like in a year or three to five years? And I want you to write that down. I want you to write down your vision for the next three to five years. If you've got an iPhone, a fun thing to do is to put the video on record and record yourself in three to five years. I see myself this way. I want to be this. This is what I want. And then the third thing that you need to do once you've got this clear vision of what awesome looks like and maybe it involves playing with your kids more, or your grandkids, whatever it is once you've got that vision, I want you to understand why that's your vision, one of the traps that I see people fall into all the time, and it just kills me.

Speaker 1:

I want to make more money. Well, okay, great, why. Why do you want to do that? I mean, what are you going to do with that money? I know lots of people that make a lot of money that are completely freaking miserable. Is your goal to be miserable? That vision that I had you visualize a few minutes ago? Were you miserable in that vision? I don't think so. So, yeah, I mean, making money is great, but let's talk a little bit about what that money allows you to do. Does it allow you to feel a certain way, to be a certain way, to do certain things, to reach a certain level of security, to feel like you're safe? Is that what the money is about?

Speaker 1:

Let's make sure we understand that there's a lot of science behind why it's important to understand this motivational reason. What's underpinning the goals that you create? But the fundamental reason is that goals are hard to achieve and when you have to make tough choices about achieving your goals, it's really important to understand your why. Now, there's a lot of other behavior, class activities, neural programming type things that go into this as well, and if you want to learn more about that, by the way, I recommend that you go check out Cliff over at mindsetansermancom. He has a whole program on how to leverage this why and reprogram literally reprogram your neural pathways to make amazing things happen in your life.

Speaker 1:

But for the purpose of this episode, with my three minutes, I want to tell you that if you know your why, if you know why you're trying to do something, if it's because of something that makes a difference to you. You're more than halfway there and that will help you get to where you want to be, and I want you to write that down as well. So now we've got a direction we're going in and we know why we're going right. We're not just getting in the car and driving blindly. We are going somewhere and because we know why we're going somewhere, even if we hit some traffic or we get in a snowstorm or whatever, we're going to keep going, and that's really important. And then the next thing I need you to do is narrow it down into now. Sometimes this is a two step process.

Speaker 1:

If you've got a goal that's three to five years out, it's really helpful to understand what those achievements might be, year by year, to get you there. Let's say, you want to build a half million dollar a year business, and that business involves establishing yourself online. It involves establishing a social media presence and a website and then building a course and a community and then eventually doing some coaching or something like that. Maybe you have some big milestones like year one is to build an audience, year two is to build a killer course that helps people achieve whatever it is they want to achieve. And year three is to start a one-on-one coaching practice that helps people individually, because that's what lights you up inside.

Speaker 1:

If that's your three year plan, then what we need to understand is what do we need to do in the next 12 weeks Really between now and the next 12 weeks to achieve that goal for this year, for the year of 2024. We're not going to go really start working on the end part of that goal the 2026 part this year. What we need to focus on is the 2024 part, and what we know about goals is that a year is a little bit too long of a time to focus. If I tell you you've got until December to do a thing, you'll wait until November. That's human nature. You'll wait until October and November and by then you'll become disheartened because all this time has gone by and you've lost your motivation. It just won't work, okay. You've just got to trust me on this, and this is if you're interested in understanding more about why these things are this way.

Speaker 1:

I've talked about this book many times. It's the 12 week year. Go read that book. But if you don't have time to go read that book because you're ready to get started on your 2024 goals.

Speaker 1:

Just trust me that the right thing to do is to understand what is the first, very most important thing that you can accomplish between now and the beginning of April. What is it? Maybe it's one or two or three things. I'd say no more than three, no more than three things that you can accomplish in the next 12 weeks, and I want you to write that down. And so now our 2024 goal. Really, we're gonna do it in four chunks, four 12 week chunks, and what we're going to focus on is the most important thing that we need to do between now and April. And see, now, that sounds like that's coming really fast, right? I mean, april is gonna be here really soon.

Speaker 1:

It's already the middle of January almost by the time that you're listening to this, maybe much, much later than that. You better get busy. And, by the way, if you just discovered this podcast and you're listening to it 18 months from now, there's no reason you need to start this at the middle of the year. You can have a 12 week year starting today, and the reason they call it the 12 week year is because the authors of that book believe and I have personally experienced that if you take this approach, you can get what most people accomplish in a year done in 12 weeks. And the reason this is so great is because, once you have a 12 week goal established maybe it's a little challenging you can break that goal down into 12 steps and you know exactly what step one is and that's what you need to do this week. No longer do you have this concern when you wake up in the morning about what you need to be working on today, because you've broken it down into something that needs to be done this week.

Speaker 1:

And, buddy, let me tell you, if you don't start working on what needs to be done this week right now, today, you're probably not going to get it done. You see, what I imagine is that and what I've observed, what I see from people, is that when the goal is out there in December and we're here in week three and I'm trying to decide what I need to do in week three to make something happen in December, that's really a hard question. I mean, week three is like 48 weeks away. 49 weeks away, like I don't even need to worry about that right now. It's not urgent, right? But if I need to be done in 10 or 11 weeks or eight weeks. Man, it's super urgent. I gotta get busy or I'm not going to achieve my goal.

Speaker 1:

So now what you have written down is you've got this vision and you know for three to five years and you know why you're trying to achieve that vision. You know exactly what it is that you're trying to accomplish in the next three to five years and in order to do that, you know what you need to do this year. You know what your 2024 goal is. You've written it down and now you've decided you're gonna break that 2024 goal down into four steps. We've got the four steps. They're four 12 week chunks, conveniently, four three month chunks 12 weeks and that first chunk you're gonna break it down into the 12 most important steps that you need to accomplish by April. That's what you're working on and that's what you're doing. Now. Here's something you need to keep in mind, very important. You know I've been studying Spanish on Duolingo. By the way, I have 150 day streak in Duolingo and you can find me on Duolingo and be my friend on Duolingo. I would love that. I'm learning Spanish. I've got 150 day streak on Duolingo and I know that this next part is muy importante, so very important for those of you none Spanish speakers out there very important that you have well constructed goals.

Speaker 1:

Now, the framework that is typically offered is smart goals. I like that. Let's keep that. Today.

Speaker 1:

You want your goal to be specific, especially your 12 week goal. I think it's really important that it be super specific. I am going to get my email newsletter list up and running. I'm gonna create a landing page and it's gonna be working, and I'm going to have the first 10 emails in there. Whatever it is, and I'm gonna do that by March 31st and it needs to be measurable. You heard all those numbers in there. I'm going to have 10 emails and 47 subscribers and all of these things by March 31st, and it needs to be achievable.

Speaker 1:

This goal can't be something that's impossible. I'm going to have 42 billion subscribers and actually that might even be achievable not 42 billion. You might be able to have a ridiculous goal. Don't sell yourself short. Sometimes, having a ridiculous goal just needs to be spending more money. So what I'm really talking about here is, given the resources that you have available, make sure that your goal is achievable. Obviously, it needs to be relevant. That's the R in the smart goal process. We've already taken care of the relevance, because we have a 12-week goal that supports our 2024 goal, that supports our three to five year vision, so we're good to go. And then, finally, the goal needs to be time bound. I need a date, a deadline, and again, that's built in in my process because we're on the 12-week year plan, so we know that those goals need to be done within 12 weeks and it may be in your 12 weeks. You have dependencies, so, for example, if you're building your email list and you don't have an email autoresponder, well, you need to select one this week, because you can't really do much else until you pick an email autoresponder. By the way, I love ConvertKit. I have mentioned that lately ConvertKit, latenightimcom, forward slash, convert kit and what's amazing about them is that now they have a free 14-day trial, and I think that's a great way to check them out Again latenightimcom, forward, slash, convert kit. Anyway, that's how you do this.

Speaker 1:

The smart goal framework S-M-A-R-T specific, measurable, achievable, relevant and time bound Love this framework. I've mentioned it 42 billion times over the years. You guys are probably tired of hearing about it, but I use this all the time in my personal life, in my online business and in my day job, and I even ask the employees that report directly to me where I manage their personal performance. I ask them to write their annual goals as smart goals every year. This is a tried and true, proven framework that I have been doing for years.

Speaker 1:

Now For the sixth thing that I want you to do. You've got this goal, and I think we need a scorecard, and I tell you this is something that I've learned in business over the years, not only my own online business, but even more so in my corporate business. I talked about this briefly last week. That which is measured gets managed. Okay, if you're measuring your progress on something, you will have a better chance of being successful. And I think we have a tendency to measure things in terms of a lagging metrics, and what I mean by that is once the game is over. We look at the score. We don't understand exactly what's happening during the game, but at the end we know we made $10,000 and our goal was to make 50. Or we made $75,000 and our goal was to make 50. That's a lagging metric. That's a metric that you realize what happened after it happened.

Speaker 1:

What we really want in our business are leading metrics. So let me give you an example. Let's stay with the email marketing example. Let's say that you've got a goal to build your list to 10,000 subscribers so that you can get money from that list. You want to monetize your email list. You need course sales, right? And so you want a list of 10,000 subscribers so that you can convert, let's say, 1% of that list to a course sale. So that'd be about 100 people and that's going to your course is $500. So that's going to generate $50,000 in revenue for you. Simple, right? Well, it's tempting to just say, okay, so my goal is to understand how much money I made. I think I'm going to make $50,000. I'm going to track my course sales, how much money I'm going to make.

Speaker 1:

But that's not really telling you what's happening in your business. You really need to track some leading indicators. For example, you know you need course sales. How many people are considering buying your course and then not actually buying it? That's a reverse of conversion rate. So let's just say how many people are buying your course compared to how many people looked at it. Let's say that your sales page 100 people came to your sales page and only one person bought the course. Well, that's a conversion rate of only 1%. We need to be monitoring that during this process, because that metric of conversion rate tells us whether or not we're going to be on track with our goal and it also tells us where to work. A 1% conversion rate on your sales page for your course, just FYI, that's terrible for warm traffic out of your email list. You should be shooting for something more, along the lines of 5% to 30% even in some cases, depending on what your list looks like and what your audience looks like. So you need to be monitoring that conversion rate.

Speaker 1:

Well, let's back that up further. How many people, when you send out an email to your email list and you ask them to visit that landing page, you say, hey, I've got this new course and I want you to go check it out. Because here's the reason how many people are clicking on that link in that email that actually go and visit that landing page? Because, after all, unless someone actually visits the landing page, you can't actually get them to buy the product. So if they're not clicking on the link in the email, they're not visiting the landing page. So you need to be measuring that conversion rate also.

Speaker 1:

And, by the way, if no one opened that email. So there's something else we need to measure. If no one opened that email, then no one's going to visit your sales page. And, by the way, if no one's on your email list, no one's going to visit your sales page. So we should be measuring leading metrics like subscriber count. And, by the way, subscribers get on your email list, probably from a squeeze page. That's got a conversion rate too. And those visitors are coming maybe from paid traffic. That's got a conversion rate too. So you should have a list of things that indicate how well things are going leading metrics, so that you can make course corrections during the time that you are trying to achieve this goal.

Speaker 1:

Don't just measure the goal, don't just measure the outcome, the M in the goal. Measure things that impact that goal, those leading metrics that will help your business succeed. Again, remember what gets measured gets managed. If you're measuring conversion rates on your landing page and it's junk, you're going to get help fixing that landing page, because that's just free conversions. If you change the headline and your conversions double, guess what? You just doubled your revenue for free, at no cost to you, and at the same time you make another change that also doubles your conversions. Guess what. Those things multiply, not add, and so this is an amazing high leverage thing for you to do to manage these conversions in this funnel that you're working through in your business, or whatever it is In that example. It's a funnel, whatever it is that you're doing inside of your business.

Speaker 1:

Okay, so let's recap and talk about what it is that we're doing. We are talking about taking an honest look back at 2023, making sure that we understand what happened and why it happened, not being too hard on ourselves, but taking the Elon Musk approach. We blew up some rockets in 2023, and we need to get leverage off of that. We need to extract the value from those exploded rockets. And then we need to dream and we want to write that down.

Speaker 1:

Three to five year plan what are the big steps that I want to accomplish over the next three to five years? What does that look like? What's my vision for the next three to five years and why and I cannot tell you how important this is. In fact, if you go to latenightimcom forward, slash why. That will take you to a YouTube video that I did a few years ago at a conference, where I talk about the importance of why Latenightimcom slash. Why this third step, this understanding your why step, is super important. And then the fourth step is to narrow it down to, first, a year and then to break that year down into four 12 week steps so we can execute the kind of plan and get the leverage that's described in the book the 12 week year and that's a fantastic book. You should read it and I probably should do an entire podcast episode just about the 12 week year.

Speaker 1:

And when you set these goals, these goals that you're trying to execute, you need to make sure they're smart goals that will dramatically improve your ability to achieve them, and that means they will be specific, measurable, achievable, relevant and time bound. And finally, you need to keep score. Life is a big game and I want you to win and in order to know who's winning, we need to keep score, and I want emphasis on those leading metrics, not on the lagging metrics. So I hope this helps you. I hope that you will actually take the time to apply these principles. If you've got a question about this, reach out to me, mark, at latenightimcom, share with me your goals, let me know what you're up to. If you've got a question, ask it. I want to help you achieve your goals in 2024. Share them with me. Let me hear what you're doing. I would love that Again. That's mark at latenightimcom.

Speaker 1:

Know that I do my absolute very best to answer every single email myself. It's actually me, not some robot or AI assistant. I actually try to answer each and every email that I get from you guys and I love hearing from you. It's why I do the show. So until next week when I'm going to make a major announcement. It's going to shake the foundations of mankind, that's not true, but it may shake my foundations a little bit. It's a pretty big announcement for me. I encourage you to tune in for that next week and until then, I wish you the very best in everything. Ciao.

Speaker 2:

You can do it right when it's late at night. You've been listening to the late night internet marketing podcast. Be sure to visit LNIMpodcastcom today to leave feedback for Mark, download special bonus content, access the show notes and more. See you there. Until then, go and make some great progress on your internet business one night at a time. Okay, okay, that was fun, gosh, I love doing this.

Speaker 1:

I hope you guys enjoy listening to it. This is the after the show part of the show, where I'm just riffing a little bit and, man, I appreciate you sticking with me this long and listening. I had an amazing week. I have a friend a lifelong friend, because he's going to be my friend for the rest of our lives but I've known him since 2009 when I started this podcast. In fact, he sold me the microphone that I'm speaking, on, which I'm speaking to you now.

Speaker 1:

There's a well-constructed sentence for you English jockeys out there. His name is Cliff Ravenscraft and he is the mindset answer man, and he spent time with me this week helping me work out this thing that I'm announcing, and he has committed to help me make this real, and that is exciting because Cliff has this magical life force that he puts on people that causes things to happen. So that's very exciting for me that I'm able to leverage my relationship with Cliff, and we're doing it in a way that's helping his audience. In fact, he is making this whole journey of mine part of Cliff's notes on profitable coaching, which is a great podcast that he started literally in his car, recording on his cell phone. It was one of his four fun podcasts, that has turned into a huge podcast that is incredibly impactful for people. Anyway, my journey is part of his podcast now, and so he's invested in my success. His listeners will become invested in my success in this new thing, and so I'm really excited about it. So that's very exciting. It's also very frightening in the sense that and I'm not really afraid, I don't get scared of things but it's frightening in the sense that Cliff is someone who I desperately do not want to disappoint and I certainly don't want to fail in front of his entire audience.

Speaker 1:

Now Cliff would say that's not something I should be worried about, but as a normal human person, of course, one of the things that is in the back of my mind is I've got to make this work. I have got to be successful, because there is no way that I'm going to let my friend and mentor, cliff invest in me and have that not pay off for me or for him or for his audience. I mean I care about it at that level. I mean I already cared about it because it was me, but it's got this extra helpful pressure, I guess you would say, which is really interesting and something that I didn't completely account for or expect.

Speaker 1:

I would call it it's accountability, right? It's like when you have a professor or a teacher in school and you don't want to disappoint them by not studying for the exam or not being successful on the exam, because they're tied up in your success. That's what this feels like and it's a great thing and it's one of the magical pieces of one on one coaching. The times in my life that I've done some one on one coaching that is the magical thing, because you develop this accountability and relationship with your coach, where one of the things you don't want to do is go back to your coach and say, well, I didn't do what we agreed to, I didn't achieve what we said we were going to achieve because I didn't take action, I didn't try hard.

Speaker 1:

That's a conversation that you never want to have with a one on one coach that you respect, which is certainly the situation that I have with Cliff. So I'm super excited. I hope you'll be on the show next week with me and you'll hear all about it. Until then, I'll tell you what Cliff tells everybody, because it's what he's telling me and it's what I want you to do. I hope you take everything that you do to the next level. He says it a lot better than I do, but I want that for you too, ciao.

Speaker 2:


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