Late Night Internet Marketing and Online Business with Mark Mason

Turn Your Amazon Aspirations into Reality with Proven Selling Techniques [SPECIAL]

January 16, 2024 Mark Mason Episode 0

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Imagine turning a summer project into a $50,000 business—that's the reality my son and I experienced thanks to the powerful teachings of Aidan Booth. Now, I'm thrilled to share that Aidan is rolling out his latest course, meticulously updated for 2024, and it's all about successfully selling on Amazon. This episode is for those ready to seize a time-sensitive opportunity, offering a deep dive into this game-changing training. Aidan and his team bring a wealth of experience, running a substantial Amazon business and sharing insights that could very well be your next entrepreneurial breakthrough.

Aidan's course isn't just about theory; it's bolstered by a proven track record and a plethora of free information that ensures you're making an informed decision. With a 30-day money-back guarantee, the risk fades and the potential soars. We discuss why Amazon is the premier platform to scale your online presence, from its massive traffic to its frictionless buying process. If you're curious about expanding your internet marketing skills or launching a new venture, this episode is a treasure trove of strategies, insights, and an honest look at what it takes to join the ranks of successful Amazon sellers. Don't let this limited-time offer slip by—let's explore what Aidan Booth's course can unlock for you.

Mark Mason:

Late night internet marketing. Hey, it's Mark Mason here with a very special extra episode of the Late Night Internet Marketing Podcast. We're going to talk on this episode about a special limited time opportunity that's only available until the first week of February 2024. In fact, the deadline is February 1st, so I want to make sure I get the word out on this before that window closes for you, because this is a very special opportunity. As you know, I've been working with Aidan Booth and his team for more than a decade learning internet marketing, building different businesses. If you've been following me for a long time, you remember that my 14-year-old at the time son and I built a $50,000 business one summer based on some training that Aidan had delivered. He's got another course this year, as he does almost every year, and it is all based around selling on Amazon. So if you're interested in learning more about this course that's what this episode is about and if you're not interested in looking for a new business opportunity, then this episode is not for you, and just you can turn it off and skip it and mark it as listen to. Won't hurt my feelings a bit. As a matter of fact, in the first week of February, I'll be deleting this episode from the feed entirely. So this is just for you, if you're interested in learning about the new opportunity from Aidan Booth. Okay, so what's this all about? So once a year, aidan offers a signature course, and this year the course is on Amazon. It's really interesting because Aidan and his business partners have a very large Amazon business that they run themselves and they also have their own warehouse that they use to ship products in Amazon, so they're very experienced in this business. They taught this course once, six or seven years ago, prior to the pandemic, and I had some success with it then, and that's where my story of selling the deer antler shaped toilet paper holders comes from. It's from that experience with Aidan six or seven years ago. They're doing it again, all completely updated for 2024, because a lot has changed after the pandemic the landscape has changed, how to find wholesale suppliers has changed and other things that they'll be updating in this course.

Mark Mason:

So here's the thing. I don't want to sugarcoat this at all. This course is a significant opportunity. It is not an inexpensive course, but they are the real deal, and I'm not even going to spend any time trying to convince you to actually go and buy the course. What I'd like to convince you to do is just go and check out the free information that they give and see what you think. They give an enormous amount of free information just prior to the launch, so people can make an informed decision. The other thing that they give whenever they offer a course is a 30 day money back guarantee. So if you go and you learn great information and you like the teaching style and you're impressed with what they have to say, then you can buy the course and you have a 30 day money back guarantee. I've seen people get these refunds. I actually know a few people personally. They're completely no hassle. If, before the 30 days is up, you ask for your money back, you just get it back Very simple, and so, as a result of this, with the combination of getting a bunch of information up front and the ironclad money back guarantee, it's really a zero risk opportunity for you to get your toes wet in this if you're interested.

Mark Mason:

Now, I think one question you should be asking is why should you consider building a business on Amazon? And I think there are three main huge reasons why Amazon is such a fantastic place to build a business. One is just a massive amount of traffic. I mean, there's no way in the world you're going to put up a Shopify store or some other kind of e-commerce solution and get the kind of traffic that you're getting on Amazon. It's just simply not possible. The second thing that makes Amazon great is it removes all the friction in the buying process. People go to Amazon with the intent to buy their credit cards already on file, and Amazon even has this amazing thing called the buy button where you can do one click shopping. Not only that, amazon has the infrastructure to actually send your product that you're selling on Amazon to the customer, handle refunds and collecting money and all of that stuff all completely handled by Amazon. And I think the third big reason is that people really do trust Amazon. They're the real deal.

Mark Mason:

And you may be asking well, why? Now? Selling on Amazon is old news, and I would say that one of the things about this particular training is that they've developed a series of shortcuts, based on their experience, that can dramatically speed up the rate at which you can make sales, find products and turn your money over in Amazon, and so, like all their courses, really it's very solid and well thought out, and even if you've tried selling on Amazon before, I think what they have in mind for this particular course. It may really blow your mind. So I want to encourage you to head over to latenightoffercom that's latenightoffercom and check out the course Now. Complete transparency. If you go through the latenightoffercom link and you end up buying this course, I make a commission. So this is an affiliate promotion and I'm an affiliate for this course. If you buy, I make money. So let's make that completely clear.

Mark Mason:

Having said that, especially if you've been a long time listener, you know me. I think Aidan delivers the best educational training products on the internet around building internet businesses. I really do think their stuff is incredible. They have huge staff for customer support. They over deliver in training. They've actually done the business models that they're trying to teach at scale. So I think it's hard to beat Aidan for this kind of training. So that's this special, brief, short message.

Mark Mason:

The call to action is this head over to latenightoffercom and sign up for the free training and see what you think, and let me know what you think. Send me an email mark at latenightimcom. I'd love to hear what you think about the free training, about the course. Let me know how it's going. If you join the course, I'd love to hear what's going on with you in this training as you progress through it in 2024. This could be the thing that changes everything for a lot of people, and if that happens for you, let me know, because I put a huge smile on my face. Until next week, I'll be back on Monday with a regularly scheduled episode. We'll still be talking about Amazon on Monday and then we'll be done with Amazon for a while. We won't be talking about this course specifically on Monday. On Monday, we'll be going through my profitable Amazon products checklist. So be sure and check out that episode and I'll talk to you on Monday. Ciao Night in a net marketing.

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